IORTable::Table - The table to map names to IOR's


  my $ior_table = $orb->resolve_initial_references('IORTable');
  $ior_table->bind('KeyName', $ior);


Binding names to IOR's allows clients to access your servants through the use of the -ORBInitRef option. This avoids the need to use a naming service or IOR file.


bind - Bind an IOR, the second parameter, to a key name, the first parameter. An IORTable::Table::AlreadyBound exception will be thrown if the key name is already in use.

rebind - This is similar to bind except that it will not throw an exception if the key name is already in use. It will bind the IOR over the old one.

unbind - The IOR associated with the key name parameter will be removed from the table. An IORTable::Table::NotFound exception will be thrown if the key name is not bound in the table.

set_locator - The locator will be used to find the IOR if no binding is found in the main table for a particular key. See IORTable::Locator for more information.