CORBA::ORB - A CORBA e Micro Object Request Broker that supports thread-per-connection


  use lib "$ENV{OPALORB_ROOT}";
  use CORBA;
  use CORBA::Exception;
  my $status = 0;
  try {
    my $orb = CORBA::ORB_init(\@ARGV);
  catch CORBA::Exception with {
    my $ex = shift;
    $status = 1;
  catch Error::Simple with {
    my $ex = shift;
    $status = 1;


This Object Request Broker is written completely in Perl. It handles the conversion of user data to and from byte sequences transmitted over a network and attempts to be CORBA compliant using the CORBA e Micro profile (with the addition of features such as DSI/DII, Security, etc.)


run - This starts the ORB listening on an endpoint. The default endpoint is the hostname and a random port between 10002 and 32767. You can specify your own endpoint using the -ORBListenEndpoints option as an argument to CORBA::ORB_init().

This method takes an optional parameter that specifies the number of seconds to run the processing loop.

shutdown - This tells the ORB to stop listening on an endpoint and close any connections that may be open.

destroy - This calls shutdown() and removes all references to the ORB (except the one used to call the method). A subsequent call to CORBA::ORB_init() with the same name will result in a new ORB.

object_to_string - Convert an object reference into an OMG IOR format string of bytes which represents information about the reference. The parameter provided to this method must derive from CORBA::Object.

string_to_object - Convert a string of characters into an object reference. It accepts the OMG IOR format, corbaloc, corbaname, file://<filename>, http://<url>, and ftp://[user:password@]host[:port]/<filename>.

list_initial_references - Provides a sequence of object ids which may possibly be used successfully with resolve_initial_references().

resolve_initial_references - Obtain an object reference associated with the name provided, such as RootPOA or IORTable. A CORBA::ORB::InvalidName exception will be thrown if no object reference is associated with the name provided.

id - Returns the id string associated with the ORB.

_endpoint_handles - Returns an array of file handles of all inbound connections. This is mainly useful for integrating with an external event loop (e.g., Tk).

_is_shutdown - Returns true if the ORB has been shutdown.