PortableServer::POA - The Portable Object Adapter


  my $poa = $orb->resolve_initial_references('RootPOA');
  my $id = $poa->activate_object($impl);
  my $obj = $poa->id_to_reference($id);


activate_object - Activates an object with the POA and returns the identifier.

deactivate_object - Deactivates an object based on the identifier.

destroy - Destroy the POA. Any use of the POA reference after this method is called will result in undefined behavior.

id - The identifier associated with the POA.

id_to_servant - Return the servant associated with the given identifier.

id_to_reference - Return the object reference associated with the given identifier.

reference_to_servant - Return the servant associated with the given object reference.

servant_to_id - Return the id associated with the given servant.

the_name - Return the name associated with the POA.

the_parent - Return the parent of the POA. The undef value will be returned if there is no parent.

the_POAManager - Return the POAManager object associated with this POA.